Your Next Home is Here

Leslie Kubicki-Bradbury

Introducing Leslie Kubicki-Bradbury, your trusted real estate agent in Lancaster County, affiliated with Coldwell Banker Realty. With a passion for helping clients achieve their real estate goals, Leslie brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. Whether you are buying or selling a property in Lancaster County, Leslie's commitment to personalized service, integrity, and attention to detail ensures a seamless and rewarding experience. Put your trust in Leslie Kubicki-Bradbury for all your real estate needs in Lancaster County.

Get an Instant Estimate on Your Home

Use the CB Estimate® tool to learn your home's value so you can tackle the real estate market with confidence.

*This is an estimate only and is not an appraisal. The CB Estimate®. provides an estimated market value of your home generated by a proprietary algorithm using aggregated data collected from third parties and public records and is intended to provide you with a general value of the property. The actual appraised value of any property may be higher or lower than the estimated market value provided by the CB Estimate®.


Service First

Leslie Kubicki-Bradbury is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service, going above and beyond to meet her clients' needs and exceed their expectations.

Local Expertise

With an understanding of the local real estate market in Lancaster County, Leslie's in-depth knowledge empowers her clients to make informed decisions and navigate the market with confidence.

Discover How Coldwell Banker is Revolutionizing Home Selling

No matter what your needs are as a seller, our agents have the tools and resources that can help through the Seller’s Assurance Program. This exclusive and industry-leading marketing suite is designed to put your home in front of more buyers, boost its sales price and help you make the move that’s right for you.


The Move Meter® lets you compare locations based on living affordability, average home prices and other important factors.

Home Interior

RealVitalize® Program

When you list your home with me, I can help you make the needed improvements and repairs to prep your home for sale at no cost to you until closing, using the RealVitalize program. There are no hidden fees, interest charges or markups. Most homes using the program sell at or above list price*.

Services Available:

  • Staging
  • Appliance Purchasing & Installation
  • Cleaning
  • Kitchen & Bathroom Upgrades
  • Handyman Services
  • Curb Appeal Enhancements
  • Electrical Upgrades
  • Carpentry
  • Drywall & Insulation
  • Landscaping
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Moving & Storage
  • Junk Hauling
  • Much more

*Based on Coldwell Banker property spotlight marketing plan usage data reported through May 31, 2020: On average, sellers whose agents use the plan benefit with a 1% higher sales price.